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发布时间:2023-09-01   动态浏览次数:2316


2013.09 - 2017.06沈阳航空航天大学信息管理与信息系统专业(本科

2017.09 - 2019.06燕山大学管理科学与工程专业(硕士)

2019.09 - 2023.06燕山大学管理科学与工程专业(博士)



1. Liu C., Song Z. and Shi R. Neural Bases of Brand Reputation Effect on Extension Evaluation: An ERPs Study[J]. Frontiers in Neuroscience,2021, 15:704459.SCI

2. Song Z., Liu C.*, Shi R. and Jing K. Is Distant Extension Always Upset? Neural Evidence of Empathy and Brand Association Affect Distant Extension Evaluation[J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022, 13:804797.SSCI

3. Song, Z., Liu, C.* and Shi, R. How Do Fresh Live Broadcast Impact Consumers’ Purchase Intention? Based on the SOR Theory[J]. Sustainability, 2022, 14(21), 14382.SSCI

4. Song Z., Liu C.*, Shi R., et al. Neural Activities During the Evaluation of Luxury Goods-to-Service Brand Extension: An Event-Related Potentials Study[J]. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 2020, 13(3):127-140.SSCI

5. Shi R., Liu C. and Gull N. Analysis of Factors Influencing Public Behavior Decision Making: Under Mass Incidents[J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022, 13:848075.SSCI

6. Shi R., Wang M., Liu C.* Gull N. The Influence of Short Video Platform Characteristics on Users’ Willingness to Share Marketing Information: Based on the SOR Model. Sustainability 2023, 15(3): 2448.SSCI

7. Wang H., Song Z., Shi R., Mei Y.P., and Liu C. How expertise congruency effect matters in celebrity/brand endorsements: Electrophysiological time course evidence[J]. Neuroscience Letters, 2019, 712: 134436.SCI



