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Song Gangbing、王斌、孔凡学术报告预告
发布人:水婷婷  发布时间:2023-12-25   动态浏览次数:10

报告题目(一):The State-of-the Art in Monitoring and Inspection of Structural Connection

报 告 人:Song Gangbing(美国休斯敦大学教授)


报 告 人1Song Gangbing(美国休斯敦大学教授)

报 告 人2:王斌(西安工业大学教授)

报 告 人3:孔凡(合肥工业大学教授)




Dr. G. Song, the founding Director of the Smart Materials and Structures Laboratory and a Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering (joint), and Electrical & Computer Engineering (joint) at the University of Houston. Dr. Song is a recipient of the NSF CAREER award in 2001. Dr. Song received his Ph.D. and MS degrees from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Columbia University in the City of New York in 1995 and 1991, respectively. Dr. Song received his B.S. degree in 1989 from Zhejiang University, China. He has expertise in smart materials and structures, structural vibration control, piezoceramics, ultrasonic transducers, structural health monitoring and damage detection. He has developed two new courses in smart materials and published more than 500 papers, including 400 peer reviewed journal articles. His google H-index is 74. Dr. Song is also an inventor or co-inventor of 26 US patents and. He has received research funding in smart materials and related research from NSF, DoE, NASA, Department of Education, Texas Higher Education Board, TSGC (Texas Space Grant Consortium), UTMB (University of Texas Medical Branch), OSGC (Ohio Space Grant Consortium), OAI (Ohio Aerospace Institute), ODoT (Ohio Department of Transportation), HP, OptiSolar, GE, and Cameron. In addition to his research effort, Dr. Song has passion in improving teaching using technology. He is a leader in internet enabled remote experiment/laboratory and a pioneer in systematically implementing remote experiments in engineering education. He received the prestigious Outstanding Technical Contribution Award from the Aerospace Division of ASCE, the Excellence in Research & Scholarship Award at Full Professor Level from UH, the Celebrating Excellence Award for Excellence in Education from ISA (International Society of Automation), the IEEE Educational Activities Board Meritorious Achievement Award in Informal Education, among others. Dr. Song is a member of ASCE, ASME, and IEEE. Dr. Song served as the General Chair of the Earth and Space Conference 2010, Aerospace Division, ASCE.

王斌,博士,教授,国家注册土木工程师(岩土)。就职于西安工业大学建筑工程学院,美国休斯敦大学(UH)智能结构与材料实验室访问学者。陕西省土木建筑学会地震工程专业委员会委员、总工程师工作委员会委员。《工程力学》、《Journal of Building Engineering》、《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》、《Structures》等期刊审稿人。主要研究方向有型钢混凝土组合与混合结构、工程结构防灾减灾、飞行器结构振动与疲劳寿命预测等。先后主持国防科工局、军委装备发展部、陕西省自然科学基金等纵向项目8项,横向项目10余项;参与完成国家科技支撑项目、国家自然科学基金项目等科研项目10余项。发表高水平学术论文40余篇,被SCIEI收录21篇。授权国家发明专利4项,出版学术专著3部,教材1部。相关研究成果获得2017年陕西省科学技术一等奖,2022年、2017年获得华夏建设科学技术一等奖,2012陕西省科学技术二等奖等奖励。

孔凡,博士,教授,合肥工业大学黄山学者优秀青年。兼任中国振动工程学会动态信号分析专委会理事、中国振动工程学会随机振动专业委员会委员、中国工程建设标准化协会城市生命线工程安全专业委员会委员、中国振动工程学会结构抗振控制与健康监测专业委员会青年委员;兼任《应用基础与工程科学学报》、《应用力学学报》、《动力学与控制学报》、Earthquake Engineering and ResilienceSustainable Structures、 Disaster Prevention and Resilience六个杂志的青年编委;兼任多个国内外著名学术会议的学术委员会委员。研究方向主要包括随机动力学与随机振动、可靠性理论、不确定性量化与传播、结构控制与健康监测、基于性能的结构抗震设计、灾害性荷载建模、分数阶动力系统、智能材料与智能结构、近海结构等。研究内容分布于结构工程、工程力学、信号处理、近海工程及机械工程等领域。目前在国际及国内著名期刊上发表论文80余篇;主编教材1本;为多本国际著名期刊的论文同行评审人;主持和参与了科研项目20余项。
