2000.9-2004.7 安徽师范大学本科;
2004.9-2007.3 东南大学硕士;
2007.3-2014.11 东南大学博士;
2015.1-至今 安徽工程大学计算机与信息学院,物联网工程系副主任,现任副教授
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,61501005、基于相对构型与全局变换分解的分布式协作定位理论分析与实现、2016/01-2018/12、19万元、在研、主持。
2. 安徽省高等教育提升计划自然科学研究一般项目,TSKJ2015B10、基于统计形状分析的协作定位理论与关键技术研究、2016/01-2017/12、1万元、在研、主持。
3. 安徽工程大学科研启动基金项目,2015YQQ010、形状分析视角下的协作定位技术研究、2016/01-2018/12、7万元、在研、主持。
1. Bound analysis for anchor selection in cooperative localization, Industrial IoT Technologies and Applications: Second EAI International Conference, Wuhu, 2017, pp. 1-10. (EI 检索)
2.Ping Zhang, Jian Lu, Yan Wang, Qiao Wang, Cooperative localization in 5G networks: A survey, ICT Express, Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2017, Pages 27-32. ( Elsevier 检索期刊)
3.Ping Zhang, Nan Yan, Jian Lu and Qiao Wang. Alleviating sensor location error using sources in unknown locations. Wireless Communications & Signal Processing (WCSP), 2016 International Conference on, Nanjing, 2016, pp. 1-5. (EI 检索)
4.Ping Zhang, Jian Lu, Qiao Wang, Performance bounds for relative configuration and global transformation in cooperative localization, ICT Express, 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icte.2016.02.003. ( Elsevier 检索期刊)
5. Ping Zhang, Nan Yan, Jun Zhang and Chau Yuen. Optimal minimally constrained system in cooperative localization. Wireless Communications & Signal Processing (WCSP), 2015 International Conference on, Nanjing, 2015, pp. 1-5. (EI 检索)
6. Ping Zhang, Qiao Wang. On using the relative configuration to explore cooperative localization. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2014, 62(4), 968-980. (SCI, EI)
7. Ping Zhang, Qiao Wang. Anchor selection with anchor location uncertainty in wireless sensor network localization. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2011, 4172-4175. (EI)